Your Brand is Talking, is Your Audience Listening?

By September 1, 2020DMS Brain Trust

Interactive Marketing has evolved over the years. The days of siloed SEO, paid media, email marketing, and social media marketing campaigns being haphazardly deployed just don’t cut it any longer. All digital channels have now combined into one integrated ecosystem. And this ecosystem must be based around a cohesive strategy.

The goal of any interactive marketing strategy should combine interactive storytelling through layered targeting as well as creative design that is customized based on end-user behavior. Sound complicated? It doesn’t have to be! Layered targeting is simply applying incremental ‘filters’ to drill down to smaller audiences with very specific attributes. Here are a few of the more common layered targeting filters:

In-market audiences

are Google’s pre-defined list of 508 verticals in which users have shown some intent to purchase or convert.

Affinity audiences

are groups of customers who are likely to have a strong interest in your products and services. They can include a wide range of lists from ‘sports fans’ to ‘luxury travelers.’

Contextual keyword

targeting is a digital advertising tactic that enables you to target URLs based on keywords that appear within website pages. The key with this type of targeting is to increase the likelihood that your digital ad will appear to those users who are most apt to purchase your product or service.


Our team assists CMOs and digital marketing coordinators, as well as business owners, by helping them determine the correct partners, channels, tools, and strategies for success.

We know Analytics, we know web-based analytics software, and we benchmark everything. We work with clients to determine where the pearls of actionable data reside in their analytics and reporting. We then use this data to construct campaigns based on what the end user tells us works and doesn’t work. Testing is the secret sauce when it comes to Analytics.

We actually love to do research. We love to research your customer, your competition, who you are on the web, your past SEO and Paid efforts, and your goals for the future. We also help you determine offers or value propositions that attract, persuade, and convert new business.

Search Engine

Our analytics and SEO specialists first define a benchmark for how you perform across the search engine landscape. From this, we can then establish an SEO strategy that includes content initiatives, SEO element creation and installation, structured data markups, and proper site architecture for optimum crawl-ability. We then develop a plan for ongoing SEO maintenance to empower your quest for Web domination. It’s important to keep in mind that there is a big World Wide Web out there. That’s why we work to build local citations and ensure that your business information is streamlined in all available directories and aggregators.

Paid Media Expertise

There are varied opportunities to interject your message while your potential customer or client searches the Web. This can be accomplished at the keyword level or by contextual targeting. Is your customer in the market to buy a home, a car, or a B2B enterprise software suite? We use interactive tools, Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, AdRoll, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn as part of our paid media strategy. We also utilize a suite of additional demand-side platforms, or DSPs, which provide advertisers the ability to control and maximize the impact of multiple ads with a single interface. In short, all of these great tools enable us to position your message in the right place and at the right time to answer user searches.

One of our specialties is Geofencing ad campaigns. Need to market to a company, or a list of prospective customers? We use technology that helps us market your message to the right person, at the right time, in the right location, on the right device, with the right offer or solution.

Did your customer or client click an ad or visit your website? Well good! Let’s just add them into a retargeting list and continue to speak to them online about the product or service they engaged with. We know it can seem a little big brother-ish and maybe even a little creepy, however, it does work!

Email and Marketing

We use marketing automation and CRM software to help you drive more leads, convert leads to sales and prove ROI. We work with Emma, Cheetah, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Klaviyo, and other email and marketing automation software providers to drive revenue through intelligent campaigns. We can provide you with the CRM/Marketing Automation software that works best for your operating environment.

Social Media

As a culture, we tend to share a lot about ourselves with social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. Have you ever wondered what they do with the data? This has been a hot political topic of conversation in recent years. There is one important reality to understand. The collection of all this data provides advertising agencies and brands the ability to market based on audience segmentation, interest categories, affinity categories, geography, all combined with basic demographics.

This helps marketers present their brand in front of potential customers or clients where they already spend a good deal of their time.

What’s the DMS value add?

Advertising on the internet can be overwhelming. The team at DMS has worked with fortune 500 companies, as well as B2C, e-commerce, and B2B companies in the SMB market. Our Interactive Marketing team conceptualizes amazing creative and drives technology to benchmark, create, and launch campaigns that deliver multiple customer touch points and in turn, drive effective results. Let DMS be your trusted advisor as you develop and manage your Interactive Marketing strategy!

3155 Medlock Bridge Rd.
Norcross, GA 30071